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this Dathomiri Nightsister witch was stranded on the Forest Moon of Endor about 100 years before the Battle of Endor. Her flight from Dathomir caused a great deal of consternation from the other Nightsisters, who placed a death mark on her head. To avoid the death mark, Charal fled to the Moddell Sector of the galaxy, where she ended up on Endor. There, she fell in league with Terak the Marauder. Charal thought Terak was trying to find a way to rule the planet, and wanted to be part of it. She had long, black hair, and wore a tight-fitting set of armor. She also bore a magic ring that allowed her to change her shape at will. She preferred to assume the shape of a raven and scout the forests, but also appeared as a beautiful blond maiden in an effort to capture Cindel Towani. She overheard Cindel singing a song to Noa Briqualon, a song that her mother used to sing. Charal used the song to lure Cindel into her grasp, and took the child to Terak, in an effort to learn the secret of the crystal oscillator. She rides a great black stallion. When Terak ordered the Marauders to recapture the crystal oscillator taken from them by Cindel, he ordered Charal to assume her raven form. However, he also took her magic ring from her, preventing her from changing back into a human and escaping from his power. Unfortunately for Charal, the ring was destroyed - along with Terak - when Wicket destroyed the ring with a stone. Charal was stuck in raven form from then on.
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