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the homeworld of Mon Mothma and Dev Sibwarra, Chandrila is a forested world broken by grassy plains and urban centers. A naturally beautiful world, Chandrila has two continents surrounded by vast oceans. Located in the Bormea Sector of the Core Systems, it was originally settled during the early years of the Old Republic. Much of its economy was driven by agriculture, an industry which allowed the native Chandrilans to maintain their planet's natural environments. one of the few worlds that openly opposed Palpatine's New Order. When Mon Mothma defected from the New Order and formed the Alliance, there was no immediate retaliation on Chandrila, although tariffs and taxes grew over the years until the inhabitants began anticipating it. While this was not outwardly a problem, many beings in the galaxy came to resent the Chandrilan's "luck" after the destruction of the planet Alderaan. Even the normally passive Alderaanians who survived the destruction of the homeworld hated the Chandrialans more than any other Core World population, simply because they were spared the warth of the Empire. The birthrate among the native human population was lower than that of the rest of the galaxy, and so children were considered very special to them. According to Rebellion, Chandrila is located in Sesswenna Sector.
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