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Caiza Quill

this scheming X'Ting individual served as the regent and leader of his people for many years leading up to the Clone Wars, until he was deposed by G'Mai Duris in a surprising change of fortune. Adding insult to injury, Quill had to be outvoted when Duris suggested that the X'Ting allow Obi-Wan Kenobi to seek out the hidden eggs of their royal line. Descended from a family of the X'Ting assassin clan, Quill failed to earn the respect of his peers, despite the fact that he seemed to work hard to ease the growing dissent among the X'Ting, who had become the workers of choice for Cestus Cybernetics. It was later learned that the labor contracts he negotiated virtually enslaved the X'Ting to the offworld corporate bosses. In this way, Quill had sold out his own people as slaves in order to win contracts that earned him a position on the Five Families, assuming the directorship of mining. Because of this, and because it was feared that he might use the royal eggs hidden beneath the planet's surface as a way to regain favor with the Five Families, Quill was removed from his role as regent. He remained a member of the Five Families, until he could no longer abide by Duris's continued Regency. He challenged her to a duel, but was unprepared for her tactics. Rather than trying to fight, Duris merely stood in front of Quill's posturing, until fear began to crack his own resolve. Ultimately, Quill conceded the duel to Duris, but continued to work to undermine her authority. Later, Quill was killed, along with most members of the Five Families, when the ARC trooper Jangotat infiltrated their secret bunker on the Kibo Plateau and ordered the Nexu to fire on his location.
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