this man was a member of the Garosian underground resistance, during the early years of the New Republic. A former student at the Imperial Academy, the former Lieutenant Chanceller was served the Imperial Navy aboard the Judicator when he decided that he had had enough of the Empire's totalitarian rule. When the Judicator arrived at Jandara III, he was forced to take part in the destruction of a small town. In the rubble, he discovered the unconscious body of Alex Winger, who was six years old at the time. After rescuing her, Chance returned to the Judicator and found himself on Garos IV. He had come to hate the Empire and what it stood for, and deserted his post as soon as he could, and later joined the undergroun resistance. He was an expert with a variety of weapons, especially Imperial weapons, which made him a valuable member of the resistance. To his surprise, he was reunited with Alex Winger, now the adopted daughter of the Imperia governor.