Challabae Admits-No-Equal Aerial Eruptive Manufacturing Concern
this Adumari corporation ran a missile and torpedo manufacturing plant in the city of Cartann. Their name is based on the honor system of the Adumari, and proves to their buyers that no one makes a better product. They were especially skilled in the production of proton torpedoes, which made them popular with the New Republic when negotiations on Adumar's future started. Their facility was located hundreds of feet below the surface of the city, and resembled cave-like warrens of rectangular rooms connected by tunnels. The rooms each had a specific task to complete, and the deeper into the warren one went, the closer to the final product one got. At the farthest end of the complex were testing sites. Many of its workers lived in nearby turumme warrens which had been abandoned. This kept them out of the "normal" lifestyle of those Adumari that lived in the city.