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Clabburn the Younger

this Mugaari pirate took over his father's operations during the height of the New Order, but went simply by the name Clabburn to cultivate a mystique based on his father's deeds. This suited Clabburn the Elder just fine, although he never emerged from hiding to actually say it. Clabburn the Younger was similar in appearance to his father, but his face and body had much more scarring that his father's, indicating that he had worked hard to earn his place as Clabburn the Elder's successor. In fact, Clabburn the Younger was missing the lower half of his left arm. In his position, Clabburn the Younger was hired by Figg Excavations to work with Salmakk during the height of the Galactic Civil War, in an effort make it appear as if FiggEx was suffering from piracy. If successful, the plan would allow FiggEx to break out of the Mining Guild and establish its own regulations. Salmakk and Clabburn were eventually apprehended and questioned about their activities, but were later released in exchange for information on their contacts within FiggEx.
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