native to Cularin, this species of slender, purple and green trees had thick, drooping foliage and were touch-sensitive. Whenever something came into contact with the bark of the ch'hala tree, it would produce swirling patterns of color across its surface, rippling outward from the point of contact. During the last century of the Old Republic era, the ch'hala trees were declared to be sacred to the Tarasin people, which were also native to Cularin. The Tarasin prohibited any harvesting of ch'hala wood, and logging corporations brought in armed guards to protect their workers. Only trees that died naturally were collected and used for wood, and the roots were crushed and then used to brew a fragrant tea. The Jedi Knights were called upon to mediate the situation, and formed the Cularin Compact, which limited the number of trees which could be harvested to a minimal number. Emperor Palpatine later used ch'hala trees to line the Grand Corridor at the Imperial Palace, and implanted at least one with a highly-sensitive listening device that became known as Delta Source.