this race of near-humans is native to the planet Cerea. In nearly all aspects, Cereans resemble humans. Their heads, however, are much larger than a humans, with a cranial cavity that extends some 12-20 centimeters above their foreheads. This elongated skull is topped with a flowing knot of hair. Contained within the skull is a binary brain, which gives the Cereans an advanced capacity for thinking and meditation. The biological needs of a second brain are supported in the Cerean physiology by a second heart, which was also protected inside the skull. As a race, Cereans tended to be isolationists, preferring to live in a low-tech environment away from the bustle of the Old Republic. However, in the last years of the Old Republic, the younger generation of Cereans decided that they wanted to have things that were commonplace in the rest of the galaxy, life starships and speeder bikes. This led to a generational battle that was decided by the Jedi Ki-Adi-Mundi, who managed quell the uprisings. During the height of the Clone Wars, Ki-Adi-Mundi relinquished his watchman role to fellow Cerean Tarr Seirr, but Seirr was called away to fight as well. This left the planet largely unprotected, and both the Republic and the Separatists tried to wrest control of the planet for themselves. In the battles, many Cereans were killed by stray blaster-fire, and the civilian death toll quickly rose beyond one million after Separatist forces destroyed a Republic military base. This led the Cereans to withdraw even further from the galactic community after the Clone Wars ended.