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this teenaged girl was a native of the planet Melida/Daan. She was also a member of The Young, and was the person who rescued Qui-Gon Jinn and Obi-Wan Kenobi from Wehutti and the Melida. She had close-cropped, copper-colored hair and green eyes. She was the first of the children to forsake her parents and her heritage and live beneath the city of Zehava as a "free" being. Her courage eventually inspired other youths, like Nield, and they eventually formed The Young as a way to fight back against their parents' bigotry. Her mother was killed in a battle while conducting a sniper raid, and her brother was sent to work in a munitions factory. Her father was the leader of the Melida militia, Wehutti, although she held to loyalty to him. She was stubborn to a fault, but was a brave fighter and excellent scout. She agreed to help the two Jedi locate Tahl, while Nield and the other members of The Young created a diversion. Her bravery allowed them to recover Tahl without bloodshed, and her strong will helped The Young defeat the elders and unify the government of the planet. However, unlike Nield, she understood that her heritage could not simply be destroyed. She and Obi-Wan petitioned Nield to stop destroying the Halls of Evidence, an action Nield vetoed but was overruled by the new council. Nield's ignorance of the basic needs of Zehava began to splinter The Young, and his lack of control emboldened the elders of the city. Wehutti and his band opposed the destruction of a Hall on Glory Street, and Nield fought back. In the ensuing firefight, Cerasi was shot and killed. Her death further splintered the city of Zehava, since neither Nield nor Wehutti could determine who killed her and each balmed the other as well as themselves.
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