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Centrally Controlled Independent Replicant Technology

known as CCIR and developed by Loronar Corporation for use in synthdroids, this technology supposedly produced near-human in mechanical entities. The technology was expanded by Loronar into military applications such as the Needles until the use of other lifeforms within the technology was revealed by Luke Skywalker. CCIR involved the use of shards of Spook crystals from Nam Chorios as the "brain" of the system. A large, central command post was programmed to issue commands to any and all Spook crystals attuned to the wavelength of the message. The use of Spook crystals was described to Loronar by Seti Ashgad and Dzym, who realized that the crystals were, in fact, lifeforms with a high level of Force sensitivity and intelligence. The matrix of the crystals could be re-aligned to make the Spooks subservient to the central processor, which mimicked the natural emanations of the tsil on Nam Chorios. Thus, large numbers of synthdroids could be programmed from a singel location, with much of the processing power required to make decisions remaining in the central site. In the case of the Needles, the ships could be lanuched from anywhere, since they needed no organic pilot and could therefore save space and energy. When Skywalker discovered the sentience of the Spook crystals and explained it to the New Republic, it was decided that any and all Spooks should be returned to Nam Chorios. This ultimatum was given to Loronar, which was faced with the exposure of their part in Dzym's plans or the possibility that the Guardian tsil on Nam Chorios would simply instruct the crystals in CCIR technology to ignore their reprogramming. Thus, CCIR was relegated to a back-seat position, without its primary component being readily available.
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