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Callat, Follnor

this man was a native of Alsakan, and was trained as a xenoarchaeologist during the years of the New Order. He grew up as a Core Worlds snob, and remained disdainful of non-Core planets and races as he matured into an adult. Despite his chosen field of study, Callat deplored the "miserable conditions" of the remote locations he explored, no matter where his travels took him. Doctor Callat once held a professorial position with the University of Rudrig, but was expelled when he was linked to several criminal organizations. He was stripped of tenure at the University of Sanbra, and was dismissed from the Prime Campus of Shafr Center. Several warrants for his arrest led to many of these firings, based on his flagrant disregard for local laws and his penchant for raiding the digs of other archaeologists. He was also wanted by the Iotran Antiquities Enforcement agency in connection with several thefts of Iotran artifacts, and was connected to a number of other unsavory archaeological activities. After the Battle of Endor, he used his less-scrupulous contacts to put together a party to search out the Alsakan version of the Tessent. Among the team members was a Blood Carver and the Mandalorian warrior Fenn Shysa, all of whom set out with Doctor Callat from a base on Ast Kikorie. From Ast Kikorie, he had created a network of informants who gathered all rumors of the Tessent's location, which he used to begin his own search.
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