Crimson Aces
this independent mercenary force of starfighter pilots rose to prominence during the Galactic Civl War. Acting from their base of operations aboard the converted frigate, the Stacked Deck, the Crimson Aces flew a motley collection of fightercraft into battle against the forces of the Empire and their own former leaders on the planet Repea. Originally a part of the Repean military, the Crimson Aces were once led by a man named Gikkin, who was an outspoken opponent of the New Order. Fearful that Gikkin and the aces would turn against them, the Repean government enlisted the help of the Empire in smashing the Crimson Aces and scattering the survivors into the Cron Drift. Gikkin managed to meet up with the survivors and reform the Crimson Aces as a mercenary unit. Their primary mission was to disrupt the relationship between Repea and the Empire. After the Empire destroyed much of Repea in an orbital bombardment, the Crimson Aces left Repea and set out on their own, hiring out their services to the highest bidders.