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Centerpoint Station

this unusual spaceport was located in the exact center of mass between the planets Talus and Tralus, in the Corellian System. Note that the Star Wars Databank indicates that Talus and Tralus are the fifth and sixth planets, not the third and fourth, in the Corellian System. It was constructed of a 100 kilometer sphere in the middle of two, 150-kilometer rods. The entire station appeared to predate antigrav units, since it spun on its longest axis to provide gravity. This resulted in a constant "day" which lasted about 12 hours. The "year" on the station equalled the 392-day orbit of Talus and Tralus. Gravity on the station was virtually non-existent at the very center of Hollowtown, and got stronger near the outer hull. When the New Republic managed to penetrate the interdiction field surrounding Corellia, following Thrackan Sal-Solo's rise to power, they found that the center of the field was located on the station. The central sphere contained a series of inner sections, called shells, that surrounded the huge open area known as Hollowtown. In the center of Hollowtown was the Glowpoint. Lando Calrissian later discovered that the station was built as a kind of hyperspatial tractor beam, capable of drawing an entire planet through hyperspace to the station's location. It was powered by drawing on the gravitic forces of Talus and Tralus. Many scientists and historians had concluded that Centerpoint Station predated even the Corellian System of planets, as it was the primary tool used to place the planets in their current orbits from far-flung locations. Lando later discovered that the station, by reorienting itself, can be directed to pulse its energy at the core of a star, causing it to explode. Thus, Centerpoint Station was revealed as the weapon used in the Starbuster plot. The Station supported a "native" population of 540,000 beings, most of them having migrated from Talus and/or Tralus. After the Yuuzhan Vong invaded the galaxy, the New Republic Defense Force began making plans to reactivate Centerpoint Station, hoping to harness its energy as a weapon and use it to defeat the aliens. However, the station's operational controls had attuned themselves to the life-energy of Anakin Solo, who had helped shut down the weapon during the Corellian Crisis years before. Anakain agreed to try to reactivate the station, but refused to fire it after arguing with his brother, Jacen. Thrackan Sal-Solo, who had been part of the team trying to reactivate the station, took the shot himself. The blast was nearly perfect, taking out a large portion of the Yuuzhan Vong fleet at Fondor. However, the blast also destroyed three-quarters of the Hapan fleet at Fondor, and skimmed both Fondor and one of its moons. Afterward, when Anakin traveled to Duro, the station rendered itself inoperable again. When UnuThul rose to power in the Unknown Regions, he explained to Han and Leia Organa Solo that Centerpoint had actually been built by the Kind, and known to the members of the Colony as Qolaraloq.
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