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Centerpoint Party

formed of rebellious Corellians and a group of New Republic archaeologists who were forcibly removed from Centerpoint Station during the Yuuzhan Vong invasion of the galaxy, this quasi-political faction demanded that the Corellian System be given five votes in the New Republic Senate, instead of just one. Their justification was taken from the beliefs of the Sacorrian Triad, and was based on the unusual nature of the Corellian System. Since all five planets were life-sustaining worlds drawn to the star Corell by the planetary repulsor onboard Centerpoint Station, the Centerpoint Party argued that each planet should have unique representation in the Senate. In this way, the System would have five votes, and the Centerpoint Party hoped to use them to stop the New Republic from commandeering Centerpoint Station for use as a weapon against the Yuuzhan Vong. In the aftermath of the Battle of Fondor, the Centerpoint Party garnered more and more favor in the Corellian Sector. Thrackan Sal-Solo took control of the Party shortly afterward, and agreed to assist the Yuuzhan Vong under a "treaty of friendship" if they would allow the Corellian Sector to remain neutral. When they learned that he had decided to join the Yuuzhan Vong, the Centerpoint Party exiled Thrackan, confiscated his property, and refused to allow him to return to Corellia.
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