this Romin male worked as a security officer on his homeworld of Romin, during the years leading up to the Clone Wars. Deputy Hansel worked directly for Roy Teda himself, and often accompanied prospective visitors during their stay. When Obi-Wan Kenobi and Siri Tachi arrived on Romin with their apprentices, Anakin Skywalker and Ferus Olin, Hansel was ordered by Teda to follow the young Padawans when they traveled alone to the outer circles of the city of Eliior. He claimed to be simply be delivering an invitation to a reception. The party took place the next day, but it was during the party that Joylin and the Citizens' Resistance launched their rebellion. In the midst of the fighting, Hansel was captured by the rebels and held prisoner, and was to be the first among Teda's forces to be executed until Teda turned himself in for trial. After Teda was captured, Joylin called off the executions.