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Roper Slam

this humanoid being was one of the founders of the criminal gang known as the Slams. He and Valadon founded the gang on their homeworld of Mamendin, with Slam's skills as a conman augmenting Valadon's skills as an identification theft expert. The gang was briefly imprisoned at the Greylands Security Complex on Tentator, but managed to escape about two years before the Battle of Geonosis. Slam was known as something of a fop, preferring extravagant clothing and luxurious appointments wherever he traveled. Several years before the Battle of Geonosis, Obi-Wan Kenobi impersonated Slam in an effort to infiltrate the planet Romin and located Jenna Zan Arbor. Slam and his gang had gone underground, but suddenly turned up on Romin at the same time as Obi-Wan and the Jedi. Obi-Wan hoped that the confusion of the revolt launched by the Citizens' Resistance would help cover their tracks, but the real Slam confronted them after locating Roy Teda's safehouse. After Teda was ousted from Romin, Roper and the Slams agreed to assist him in his work with Granta Omega, and traveled to Coruscant to help disrupt the ceremony in honor of the passage of the All Planet Relief Fund legislation. Roper and Valadon were disguised as Blue Guards during the event, which allowed them to gain easy access to the vertex crystal that served as the financial basis for the Fund. They were apprehended by Obi-Wan and Anakin Skywalker, and held for questioning. It was revealed that the real plan had nothing to do with stealing vertex, but rather the kidnapping of Chancellor Palpatine himself.
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