this planet, the third and primary world in the Centares System, was the home of the Museum of the Galactic Republic. A brief battle was fought on Centares during the Clone Wars, but Jedi Master Shaak Ti and her team of clone troopers was able to assist in the planet's defense. Once Emperor Palpatine instituted his New Order, the Museum was closed. Tarvel to Centares continued, however, as it was one of the last outposts along several hyperspace lanes leading beyond the borders of the Empire. Shortly after the Battle of Yavin, Luke Skywalker and Leia Organa were forced to stop on Centares to purchase a new ship, after taking Simon Greyshade's personal yacht during their escape from The Wheel. Shortly afterward, Darth Vader arrived on Centares and discovered the name of the pilot who destroyed the first Death Star from Ban Papeega: Luke Skywalker.