Feleen Bantillian
this criminal found a bounty on his head after killing the son of the crimelord Drex, during the height of the New Order. Bantillian was a tall, wide-bodied being who wore a full-body suit of armor as protection. Hidden in the armor was a deflector shield generated scavenged from a droideka. His wide, triangular head was protected by a spiked helmet, with only his red eyes and upper jaw visible. Drex had gone out of his way to hire Boba Fett to hunt Bantillian down. He hid on the remote world of Vornax, where he reprogrammed thousands of derelict droids toact as his personal guardian force. However, when Fett confronted Bantillian on Vornax, Bantillian revealed that he was actually Drex's son, and that they had created the entire backstory to trap Fett on Vornax to exact revenge for the death of Gavron Sil. Fett managed to avoid the droid armies Bantillian had created, and tricked him into moving toward a large puddle of machine oil. Fett then set the oil on fire, forcing Bantillian to find a way to extinguish the blaze. In his confusion, Bantillian fell into a pool of water and drownedm along with many of his droids. Fett returned to Drex to collect the bounty on Bantillian, bringing Bantillian's head as proof of his demise. To ensure that Drex never tried to doublecross him again, Fett placed an active thermal detonator in Bantillian's mouth before leaving Drex's court.