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Suribran Tu

this Ishi Tib was the leader of his homeworld, Tibrin, during the early stages of the Clone Wars. He was loyal to the Old Republic, and struggled to keep his planet a member of the Republic despite popular sentiment to join the Separatists. He used strong-arm tactics, and even political assassinations, to maintain his position and the power he wielded, a fact that the Separatist underground on Tibrin used to their advantage. When Count Dooku arrived to negotiate with Suribran Tu for the rights to use Tibrin as a base for Separatist activites, Suribran Tu seemed to be open to any suggestion the Count had. Dooku, however, was not interested in platitudes. He consulted his bodyguards, among them the turncoat Jedi Knight Quinlan Vos. Quinlan reminded the Count that Suribran Tu was just as corrupt as the Old Republic, and was not worth the effort of negotiation. Dooku agreed, and used his lightsaber to behead Suribran Tu in one smooth stroke. Dooku then installed Sora Bulq as the provisional governor. Suribran Tu's death at the hands of the Separatists was welcomed by the Ishi Tib populace, who eagerly joined the Confederacy of Independent Systems.
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