this Jedi Master was one of many who volunteered to infiltrate the Separatist forces surrounding Count Dooku, during the height of the Clone Wars. After the defection of Sora Bulq, the Jedi Council was dismayed to lose contact with Master Shylar for several months, fearing that she too had defected. However, Dooku saw through Shylar's deception and had her imprisoned and interrogated. Despite her situation, Master Shylar refused to say anything to Count Dooku. She was angry and dismayed when Quinlan Vos appeared at Dooku's side, and Vos himself was dismayed by the fact that he couldn't reveal himself without blowing his cover. When Shylar died during the torture, Vos held himself somewhat responsible. Later, Vos admitted to the Jedi Council that he had had a relationship with Master Shylar, during their training as Padawans. Their relationship was voluntarily ended, so that they could remain true to the Jedi Order. Quinlan spent the rest of the war hoping to atone for what he believed was his part in her death.