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Uliar, Chas

this man was twenty-two years old when the Outbound Flight Project was destroyed, shortly before the onset of the Clone Wars. Uliar later served as one of the Directors of the Managing Council, charged with making all the policy decisions relating to the survivors of the Outbound Flight Project. In this position, Uliar was effectively the leader of the entire group of survivors during the years leading up to the Yuuzhan Vong invasion of the galaxy. When a Chiss-led group of beings arrived at the location of Outbound Flight and was detained by Jorad Pressor, Uliar and his Councilors were somewhat angry that they had not come directly to him. This anger was added to the already-present hatred he felt toward the Jedi Knights, for their lack of action in trying to protect the Outbound Flight Project and its thousands of non-Jedi. Uliar also didn't like the fact that Bearsh and his companions were in group, although he failed to put his finger on what was wrong until it was nearly too late. After Bearsh and his companions trapped Uliar, Dean Jinzler, and Aristocra Formbi, Uliar realized that Bearsh was not a Geroon, as he claimed. Instead, Uliar recognized that Bearsh was actually a Vagaari. After the Vagaari threat was eliminated, Uliar and his fellow survivors grudgingly agreed to accompany the Outbound Flight Colony to Nirauan, staying as far away from the New Republic as they could.
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