Line Creeper
this was a species of parasite, believed to be native to Csilla or another Chiss-held world, which was similar in most respects to the conduit worm of Coruscant, but considered by many to be a worse problem. Resembling long, segmented worms, line creepers chewed through metal pipes and wiring conduits to reach the electrical power moving through them. Often a problem in buildings, line creepers were also encountered on starships, where the potential for damage was much greater. This made the elimination of line creepers a top priority to Chiss starship maintenance crews. Luckily, line creepers expelled an unusual combination of gases as they ate, making it easy to detect their locations. When found aboard a moving starship, line creepers were often ejected into space, since they could not survive in a vacuum. Dean Jinzler and a number of his old friends learned that line creepers could be tricked into the open by shutting down a ship's main reactors, and running a series of portable generators to handle the bare necessities. The line creepers, deprived of power from the main reactor, would move toward the generators. If the generators were surrounded by salt water, the line creepers would fall into the salt water before reaching the generators. The salt water would short out the organic capacitors of the line creepers, killing them in the process. It was an effective, although entirely disgusting, way to eliminate them.