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this was the core name used by Chiss General Prard'ras'kleoni. Drask was a hard individual who disliked anything that upset the natural order of Chiss life. Thus, when he was requested to accompany Aristocra Formbi on a mission to meet with Luke Skywalker and Mara Jade Skywalker regarding the remains of the Outbound Flight Project, Drask struggled to keep his consternation in check. When Aristocra Formbi agreed to provide the Geroon Remnant with star charts and astronomical data, Drask's mood darkened still further. Mara later discovered that Drask's foul mood also stemmed from the presence of Chak Fel and his stormtroopers aboard the Chaf Envoy. Drask continued to be a thorn in the humans' sides, reinforcing his Chiss superiority at every opportunity. After the discovery of the Outbound Flight on a planetoid in the Redoubt, Drask found himself working with Chak Fel and the Aurek-Seven unit of the Imperial 501st Legion, searching the D-Five and D-Six Dreadnaughts in an effort to return to the Chaf Envoy. It was during this time that the Jedi discovered that Bearsh was not actually a Geroon, but was a Vagaari. As the Vagaari launched their attack on the Outbound Flight, Drask found himself fighting for his life alongside the Imperials. He was stunned when, after a vicious attack by the Vagaari and their wolvkils, Chak Fel relinquished command of Aurek-Seven to Drask himself. Fel realized that his naval expertise wouldn't help much in the battle against the Vagaari. Drask agreed to take command, but demanded that Fel use his naval experience to help them navigate the Dreadnaughts and return to their ships. Later, after the plans of Estosh and Vagaari were revealed, Drask discovered that he was unaware of the Chiss' part in the mission, although he deduced parts of it as time went on. Drask did reveal that he had been behind the falling cable that nearly struck Luke, which he had arranged as a way to see first-hand the skills of a Jedi Knight.
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