Chaf Envoy
this was one of several diplomatic vessels maintained by the Chaf family of the Chiss government, during the years leading up to the Yuuzhan Vong invasion of the galaxy. The Chaf Envoy was the first ship to meet with Luke Skywalker and his wife, Mara Jade Skywalker, at Crustai, during the search for the remains of the Outbound Flight Project. Also aboard were Dean Jinzler, who was posing as an ambassador from the Old Republic; Chak Fel and the Aurek-Seven unit of the Imperial 501st Legion, ostensibly onboard to help protect the Skywalkers from trouble; and a group of Geroons who asked to accompay the ship and pay their respects to the Jedi who died with outbound Flight. During the mission, several accidents and problems occurred aboard the ship, including a fire near the fuel system and a group of line creepers chewing through the control system. Later, Formbi revealed that the Chiss had refitted the Chaf Envoy as a sacrificial vessel, hoping to lure the Vagaari into attacking it. This would bypass the Chiss military doctrine that forbade them from making pre-emptive strikes, and allow them to attack the invading Vagaari. The plating was enhanced to withstand an assault, and hiding places had been installed for the crew, so that they could avoid any firefights. However, Bearsh and his comrades had other plans. They waited until they had reached Outbound Flight, hoping instead to steal the D-Four Dreadnaught. They deployed a large number of line creepers in the area near the Chaf Envoy and Outbound Flight, hoping to render both vessels inoperative. However, Jinzler showed the cres how to use portable generators and salt water to kill the line creepers, and the Chaf Envoy was repaired to operational status in a few days.