this was one of the more powerful tribes of Eickarie found on the planet Kariek, more than 400 years before the Yuuzhan Vong invasion of the galaxy. The tribe's leader tried to retain his ancestral lands when two other tribes allied against the Cro-sall-trei, but his people were no match for the combined forces arrayed against them. The tribal leader ordered a retreat from their fortress, but his people were trapped beneath the ground when the enemy tribes sealed off the third watchtower the Cro-sal-trei used as an escape route. The Cro-sal-trei died in the tunnels, and their tribe vanished from Kariek's history. In spite of their easy victory, the two victorious tribes were themselves defeated in battle less than a year afterward. Centuries later, the Warlord would take control of the Cro-sal-trei fortress, unaware that the tunnels beneath the third watchtower were accessible to outsiders.