Congress of Caliphs
this was the primary governing body of the Swokes Swokes race, based on their homeworld of Makem Te. During the decades leading up to the Clone Wars, the Congress of Caliphs eagerly welcomed several off-world corporations onto Makem Te, where there were a wealth of ores and medical-grade spice. This action caused the Swokes Swokes people to wonder about their leaders' motives, since they were a simple people who cared little for high technology. Several splinter groups were formed at this time to disrupt the operations of the off-worlders, led by the Temple of the Beatific Razor. The cult grew rapidly in strength and numbers, until they rivaled the Congress of Caliphs in power. The Caliphs requested military assistance from the Old Republic, but the Republic pulled out when the Beatific Razors eliminated their entire force. This forced the Caliphs to ally themselves with the Confederacy of Independent Systems, and the Separatist forces helped to quell the actions of the Beatific Razors for many years. The Congress was later recognized by the Empire, which left Makem Te more or less alone.