Second Battle of Sernpidal
this was the naem given by historians to the New Republic's attempt to destroy a shipwomb which was being grown by the Yuuzhan Vong in the rubble of the planet Sernpidal. The Republic decided to launch the attack after Kyp Durron provided the military leaders with evidence of a "superweapon" being cosntructed in the system. Kyp knew that the New Republic - and especially the Jedi Knights - would never condone an attack on a living ship that provided the growing medium for much of the Yuuzhan Vong's technology, so he used the superweapon threat to force the Republic to react. A gutted Interdictor Cruiser was sent into the Sernpidal System first, to set up its gravity wells as a way to get New Republic fighters directly into the combat zone. As the Yuuzhan Vong forces protecting the shipwomb tried to destroy the interdictor, arriving Republic forces quickly decimated the alien fleet and disabled the shipwomb. It then plnuged into Sernpidal's sun and was destroyed. When she found out that Kyp had lied about the true nature of the shipwomb in order to get approval for the attack, Jaina Solo broke off any relationship she might have had with him. Many of the Republic's own fighter pilots also condemned Kyp's actions, claiming that he had dragged them all down to the level of their enemy.