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Vua'spar Interdictor

this Yuuzhan Vong interdictor ship was developed after the invasion of the New Republic gaalxy had begun. Resembling two huge cones connected at their bases, the 908-meter-long Vua'spar interdictor was equipped with three enormous dovin basals for generating a gravity well that could drag ships out of hyperspace. The strength of this gravity well also had one other affect: it caused sever disruption to the brain-wave patterns of most sentient beings, rendering them unconscious for several minutes after their ship reverted to realsapce. These interdiction capabilities, coupled with several yorik coral arms that housed a full wing of thirty-six coralskippers, made the Vua'spar a deadly addition to the Yuuzhan Vong fleet. The Vua'spar was crewed by 638 warriors, and could transport up to 1,144 troops and 17,450 metric tons of cargo. It was armed with twenty plasma projectors and a forward-mounted heavy plasma projector, and it was protected by a collection of smaller dovin basals. These ships first appeared after the Yuuzhan Vong subjugated planets such as Duro and Fondor, after the New Republic began putting up increasing resistance to the invasion plans of the Yuuzhan Vong.
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