I'Frii Ma-Nat Corvette
this Yuuzhan Vong corvette analog resembled a multi-sided pyramid of gloss-black yorik coral. These craft, measuring just 315 meters in length, were developed to serve as light assault craft. The primary mission for the I'Frii Ma-Nat corvette was supporting wings of coralskippers in battle, providing cover and ensuring escape routes back to the main fleet. Each of these ships required a crew of 110 Yuuzhan Vong warriors, and could transport up to 225 troops and 510 metric tons of cargo. Unlike the other capital ship analogs of the Yuuzhan Vong fleet, the I'Frii Ma-Nat diod not carry its own complement of coralskippers. It was armed with twenty volcano cannons and several dovin basals, but lacked sufficient power to generate an interdiction field.