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Urzan Krag

this Aqualish bounty hunter was one of many who answered Asajj Ventress' call to hunt down members of the Jedi Order during the height of the Clone Wars. Like many experienced hunters, Krag was not happy with the fact that the bounties issues by Ventress skirted the normal rules of the Old Republic, opening the hunt to any being who wished to call him- or herself a bounty hunter. As the war ground on, Urzan Krag decided to stick with more mainstream criminal activities, and went to work for Jabba the Hutt. Urzan Krag became quite angry when Jabba refused to allow his rank-and-file bounty hunters to take on the more lucartive jobs, especially when Jabba ended up giving them to a thirteen-year-old Boba Fett. He tried to eliminate Boba Fett by chasing him down with his modified airspeeder, which had a limited form of cloaking device. Boba, however, managed to outwit the Aqualish and shot his speeder from the sky. Urzan Krag died in the explosion.
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