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Cavv, Cryle

this man was in his late forties at the time of the Battle of Hoth. Known as an accomplished thief, Cavv supposedly studied the use of the Force under the Jedi Master Yoda. He was also a member of the Alliance, and a personal friend of Airen Cracken, having served under Cracken during the early years of the Galactic Civil War as a member of Cracken's Crew. A native of Ryvellia, Cryle and his team returned to the planet shortly after it was destroyed by the Empire. Cavv lost most of his family, except for his nephew, Sienn Sconn. It was Cavv, drawing from Yoda's teachings, who spent a great deal of time with Sconn. Cavv's lessons to Sconn included keeping Sconn's thoughts on the present and the job at hand, rather than dreaming about the future. Cracken later called on Cavv to help extract Rivoche Tarkin from Imperial-held space, with the assistance of Quillin Arkell. Later, Cracken hired Cryle and Sienn as the first members of the New Republic Special Acquisitions Unit, and asked them to steal the Super-class Star Destroyer Guardian. Cryle jumped at the chance, and managed to convince the crew of the huge ship to mutiny against Admiral Drommel and surrender to the Republic. General Cracken once said of Cryle, "For someone who talks so much, it's amazing how little gets said."
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