this was the basic model of Saber-class fighter tank produced by Rothana Heavy Engineering during the Clone Wars. Developed for use by the clone troopers of the Army of the Republic, the 8.2-meter-long tank was an example of the speed at which Rothana was able to take a prototype and bring it to full production. The TX-130 could perform a number of different missions, from defending perimeters to leading hit-and-run attacks. These craft were armed with a pair of heavy laser cannons, a turret-mounted medium double-laser cannon, and a thermal detonator missile launcher. Other weapons configurations were also possible, depending on the specific arena into which the TX-130 was deployed. In addition to a modified Phase 3 deflector shield generator, the TX-130 had reactive composite hull plating, giving it exceptional protection for those brief periods when the shields were recharging. The TX-130 required a pilot, navigator, and a gunner to operate, and could move across the battlefield at speeds aproaching 190 kilometers per hour. The Jedi Knights also used their own versions of the TX-130 tank, often modifying them for their own use. One the most common of these modifications was the use of an astromech droid in place of the gunner station, providing navigation capabilities during solo missions.