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Caveel, Spinda

this rogue scientist was known for his unusual experiments. He was best known for stealing the ideas of others and modifying them for his own use. He set up a base on the planet Murninkam, far from prying eyes. Shortly after the Battle of Endor, Caveel stole the droid AOI-C - also known as Doc - from Massad Thrumble. He hoped to use the droid's abilities to create an army of warrior-droids in order to subdue his enemies and gather control of the criminal underworld. However, his plans were thwarted when Guri - at the request of Trumble - immobilized the Pike sisters and rescued Doc. Thrumble didn't give up, and developed a new plan that involved the Pike Sisters capturing Doc and Guri's head, then using the parts to build a better automata. They tracked Guri back to Hurd's Moon, but were caught in the cross-fire between Savan's forces, Alliance forces, and Thrumble's improved defenses. The Pike sisters backed out of the deal, but Caveel threatened to kill them. As he tried to shoot them, the Pike sisters drew their weapons faster. Caveel was shot and killed.
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