Anchor Blue
this immense Houk was one of the gladiators who was fighting on Rattatak when Assaj Ventress submitted her name as a combatant, shortly after the Battle of Geonosis. Anchor Blue fought well enough on his own, although he once lost his right hand in battle. The Rattataki warlord who owned him had it replaced with a vibroblade, but he also had a pain-causing device implanted in the blade's hilt. This allowed the Rattataki to remotely cause Anchor Blue to experience and intense jolt of pain, which drove the Houk into a fighting rage. When the fighting was over, the same device pumped sedatives into Anchor Blue's bloodstream, calming his down enough to be returned to his meager cell. Unfortunately, Anchor Blue was among the combatants who stepped into The Cauldron with Asajj Ventress, and the lightsaber-wielding Rattataki made quick work of dispatching him.