this race of near-humans, characterized by their thin bodies and pasty-white skin, was native to the remote world of Rattatak. Because resources were scarce on Rattatak, and since there was no trade with the outside galaxy, the struggle for survival became paramount to the Rattataki. Small tribes gathered together to pool their resources, and wars over fertile ground became commonplace. This evolution toward violence kept the Rattataki from discovering space travel, and they were quite unprepared when a starship full of slavers arrived on Rattatak. The wiry Rattataki were of no use to the slavers, being too difficult to train. However, the Rattataki quickly realized that the slavers could bring stronger warriors to Rattatak, and renewed violence spread across the planet. Tribal warlords began pitting personal champions and gladiators against each other in large arenas, leading to the formation of the Blood Sport of Rattatak.