ur-Yuuzhan Vong
this was a term used to describe the proto-historic race from which the Yuuzhan Vong evolved. These early beings were completely and utterly connected to the Force, living in symbiosis with each other and the species as a whole. When the ur-Yuuzhan Vong became too proud of their individual accomplishments, they were suddenly cut off from the Force, and turned to violence. Modern Yuuzhan Vong religion described this in terms of their pantheon of gods, primarily Yun-Yuuzhan, who was believed to have been the creator of the Yuuzhan Vong race. It was the gods, not the Force, which created the Yuuzhan Vong. They were cut off from the Force because of their desire to escalate themselves, but their religion became twisted around so that they believed the only way to return to the gods was to escalate themselves. In this way, the modern Yuuzhan Vong drove themselves further and further from reconnecting with the Force.