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Caluula Station

this was the name of the space station which was built in orbit around the planet Caluula. Despite its allegiance to the New Republic military, the station had a reputation of having just the part a spacer needed to repair their ship, thanks to a huge stockpile of replacement parts obtained from the planet Lianna. It was also a haven for scientists who traveled to the Tion Hegemony to study Caluula's unusual environmental phenomena. During the months following Operation Trinity, Caluula Station took a pounding from Yuuzhan Vong forces, and the destruction of many HoloNet relay stations meant that the New Republic was unaware of the attack. After the rescue mission to Selvaris was interrupted by the first appearance of the Yuuzhan Vong Slayers, Han Solo managed to escape Selvaris and flee to Caluula Station aboard the Millennium Falcon. Shortly afterward, the Yuuzhan Vong employed a yncha to attack Caluula Station. Base Commander Garray found himself powerless to defend the station. Faced with the imminent destruction of Caluula Station, Garray issued the evacuation orders, hoping to get as many people as possible to the planet's surface. Despite the efforts of Garray's forces, Caluula Station was ultimately destroyed. The survivors fled to Caluula, where they could regroup to defend the planet from invasion.
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