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this planet was located in the Tion Hegemony, and was distinguished by the unusual environmental phenomenon known as the Nocturne of the Winged-Stars. Located in orbit around the planet was a space station that was known to most independent spacers for its huge stockpile of replacement parts from Lianna. The planet and the orbiting station became targets of Yuuzhan Vong attacks, as the alien invaders planned to subjugate the population and use them for sacrifices in the final consecration of Coruscant as the new Yuuzhan'tar. Despite the efforts of Base Commander Garray and Pash Cracken, Caluula Station was destroyed and the planet was overrun by the Yuuzhan Vong. The natives of both the station and the planet were transported to Coruscant for sacrifice, although many were "rescued" by the Shamed Ones who believed they were following the words of the Prophet, Yu'shaa. After taking the planet, the Yuuzhan Vong installed a yammosk there. This gave the Yuuzhan Vong a base of operations from which to launch raids on New Republic outposts in the sector. However, as the planet's defenses fell, the planetary Governor of Caluula made contact with the aliens to surrender. As part of the deal, though, she requested that scientists still be allowed access to the planet, which was about to experience another Nocturne of the Winged-Stars. The Yuuzhan Vong commander, looking for a swift end to the hostilities, agreed to the deal. However, as soon as the battle for Caluula became a rout, the natives of the planet began stashing weapons and supplies in the mountains, hoping to retrieve them later in an effort to eliminate the alien invaders. All of this military activity overshadowed a larger, environmental issue, which surfaced when the winged-stars emerged from their 300-year incubation but failed to mate. At the same time, Yuuzhan Vong bio-constructs began dying rapidly, much to the dismay of the Shapers stationed on the planet. Then the Shapers and warriors died as well, leaving the planet devoid of Yuuzhan Vong. It was later revealed that the Bothan Intelligence agent, Wraw, had been added to Team Meloque to verify the efficacy of a new strain of the Alpha Red virus unleashed on the planet.
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