Ushk Choka
this Yuuzhan Vong warrior was dispatched to the planet Zonama Sekot, after Nom Anor was able to locate the living world and relay its location to Supreme Overlord Shimrra. Ushk Choka's small force make a swift journey to the planet in the transport ship Red Qurang, hoping to recover the former Executor and return with news of Zonama Sekot's destruction. After recovering Nom Anor, Ushk Choka and the Red Qurang were briefly pursued by Mara Jade Skywalker and the Jade Shadow, but the smaller ship was forced to break off pursuit. Nom Anor believed that they were free, but an Imperial frigate that had accompanied the Jedi to Zonama Sekot took up the pursuit. Ushk Choka could neither flee nor fight, much to Nom Anor's dismay. Only the sudden disappearance of Zonama Sekot into hyperspace - dragging the other ships with it - allowed the Yuuzhan Vong to escape.