Mon Calamari Knights
this band of Mon Calamari was known as the sworn protectors of their homeworld for many generations, a fact which rankled many Quarren. During the earliest history of their civilization, the Mon Calamari Knights were the primary force which kept the Quarren insurrectionists at bay, thereby maintaining the uneasy truce between the two races. As the civil strife between Quarren and Mon Calamari diminished, so did the necessity for the Mon Calamari Knights, which had become simply a cultural tradition by the time of the Battle of Naboo. However, during the years leading up to the Clone Wars, the Mon Calamari Knights saw the possibility of war and began to train in earnest, fearing that the war might come to their world. These fears proved altogether too real when the Clone Wars broken out and the Quarren Isolation League sided with the Separatists. With the help of Jedi Master Kit Fisto, the Mon Calamari Knights managed to defeat the Quarren and restore peace to Calamari.