this mad Devaronian male took control of the planet Malrev shortly after the Battle of Endor. Cartariun was part of a technical team dispatched to Malrev to begin construction of an Imperial outpost on the orders of Emperor Palpatine himself. Palpatine had discovered the Sith temple in the forests of the planet, and wanted to use the temple to augment his own powers. The base was abandoned after the Battle of Endor, but Cartariun remained behind and began studying the ways of the Dark Side of the Force. He eventually learned how to control the minds of the Irrukiine, and trained them in elaborate wargames driven only by the power of his mind. When Rogue Squadron landed on Malrev in search of the Starfaring, Cartariun managed to capture Wedge Antilles, but only until the Rogues began battling the Irrukiine. While Cartariun was distracted with the battle, Wedge slipped away and rejoined his squadron. However, the Sullustan Dllr Nep was drawn to Cartariun's power, which he both saw and heard as beautiful music. Many of the Rogues felt Cartariun's power is some way, although most experienced a heightened set of emotions. Cartariun captured Dllr and used him has a conduit for the power of the Dark Side. Dllr resisted, but was shot and killed by the power-hungry Bothan, Girov Dza'tey. Dza'tey, and expert in the martial art of Jeswandi, then struggled with Cartariun until the Devaronian was kiled by his own Dark Side powers.