an alien race once native to the planet Carosi IV. When the star Carosi expanded from a normal orange star to a red giant, the Carosites fled Carosi IV for Carosi XII. They are a bidepal, humanoid race. Carosites are tall and thin, with unusually long necks. They are covered with a fine coat of fur, and have long snouts and dark eyes. The lifespan of a Carosite about 120 local years. The Carosites have a unique, five-fingered hand that has two opposable digits on either side of the hand. The flight from Carosi IV has left them culturally disoirented, which meant they were easily coerced by the Empire. Since the Battle of Yavin, the Carosites have pledged their support to the New Republic, and have become quite adept in the fields of medicine and mechanics. They also became the primary trading partner of the Ebranite race.