this multilegged crustacean was native to the hiakk tree canopies of the planet New Plympto. Similar in appearance to a crablike spider, the rikknit was noted for its eggs, which were a vital ingredient in many intoxicants. Individual rikknits create large webs, which trapped the birds and insects that made up the rikknit's diet. During the years leading up to the Battle of Naboo, Supreme Chancellor Finis Valorum tried to make the rikknit a protected species, hoping to stop the flow of ji rikknit and other drugs from New Plympto. When the Old Republic passed legislation that banned the sale of rikknit eggs, the economy of New Plympto wsa thrown into shambles. The Nosaurians believed that they had been promised trade concessions, only to find themselves unable to sell their eggs. Shortly afterward, the Separatists arrived on New Plympto and offered to buy the rikknit eggs, as well as offering the Nosaurians membership in the Confederacy of Independent Systems.