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Carivus, Xandel

this heavy-set man served on the Imperial Interim Ruling Council. He decided to align himself with Feena D'Asta, in the wake of Carnor Jax's death at Yinchorr. Carivus was also working with Nom Anor, who predicted that the Council would eventually ask him to lead it. The other Council members felt Carivus was nothing more than a pampered bureaucrat, and appointed him to lead the Council after the death of Nolyds, hoping to make him a figurehead and a tool of their own plans. Carivus allowed the events to unfold around, knowing that Nom Anor's plans were falling into place. When Lieutenant Ganner discovered that clues left behind at the scenes of the murders of Burr Nolyds and Admiral Banjeer pointed to Kir Kanos being their assassin, he ordered every available ship and soldier to be requisitioned for a manhunt. His leadership was challenged by Feena D'Asta and Lord Manos, but their efforts to vote him out of office were thwarted by the other Council members. The challenge to his leadership rattled Carivus, but Nom Anor reassured him that D'Asta would not be a problem. When they arranged to have a third Council member killed, Carivus was frightened to discover General Immodet was poisoned. He was frightened because Immodet was not their target, and had been one of Carivus' supporters. Nom Anor claimed to be unaffected. Note that Destiny's Way claims that Nom Anor poisoned Carivus as well. Carivus then appointed a personal guard, and ordered all non-human members of the Council arrested. He also declared Feena D'Asta a traitor and had her put on trial as an enemy of the Empire. Shortly afterward, a Black Sun group of assassins tried to kill him. They were revealed to be clones of Carivus himself, and Carivus went into hiding. He emerged long enough to announce that he was disbanding the Council in order to rule the remnants of the Empire himself. However, his imprisonment of Feena D'Asta raised the ire of her father, an Imperial Baron with a huge personal fleet of warships. Baron D'Asta led an attack on Carivus's forces, decimating them in a short space battle. Carivus was left with a tattered fleet and no support, and even Nom Anor abandoned him to his misguided plans. Carivus then ordered that Feena D'Asta be returned to her father, in the hope that the fighting would stop. However, he also made plans to evacuate Ord Cantrell if the battle continued to turn against him, planning to abandon his troops if it came to that. However, he was trapped by Kir Kanos and Mirith Sinn, after they returned the real Feena D'Asta to her father. Kanos hunted Carivus down and executed him as a traitor to the Empire.
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