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a large world with a greater than standard gravity and varying climate, Carida was staunchly loyal to the Empire, although it managed to pursuade the New Republic that is was undecided on the matter. Many of the original settlers left the planet because of the strong gravitational force. Some 200 years before the Galactic Civil War, when the Old Republic decided to establish a military academy aimed at training armed forces, Carida gladly stepped up to volunteer. A small community grew up near the site, which grew into a full-fledged town. The town grew to encompass an entire planetary economy which saw its heyday under the control of Furgan. The Empire controlled the planet until Kyp Durron used the Sun Crusher to destroy the system, while he was being influenced by Exar Kun. Later, Leonia Tavira twisted the event and made everyone who listen believe that Kyp had been sent to Carida under orders from the New Republic.
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