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this organic extension of the planet Zonama Sekot resembled a huge insect. They had flat, segmented bodies, and each segment had three legs. A seventh leg extended from the front of the main segment. A pair of chitinous horns surrounded the seventh leg, and were used for lifting heavy loads. Their bodies were a mottled collection of red, black and green patches, and some of the larger carapods were given mechanical implants to help them do more heavy labor. The Ferroans who worked to create Sekotan starships used the carapods as beasts of burden, employing them to transport the growing seed-partners, their masters, organic and high-tech materials to the forging and annealing pits. The carapods were mildly intelligent, and could react to simple commands from their riders. Their hides were formed from a variety of metallic elements, and glittering strangely in the light.
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