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Car'das, Jorj

this man was an up-and-coming smuggler when the Clone Wars broke out. Car'das realized that the galaxy was changing, and decided that the time had come for him to start his own operation. He took control of Booster Terrik's operation when Booster was sent to Kessel by Hal Horn, and created a small but successful smuggling operation, although he was small compared to what the Hutts had. About fifteen years after the Clone Wars, Car'das was commandeered by one of the Dark Jedi from Bpfassh, who killed all the crew aboard his ship and demanded passage. Car'das survived the Dark Jedi's battle with the Jedi Master Yoda on Dagobah, after receiving treatment from Yoda himself. However, somehow Car'das was changed by the encounter. He began taking his organization to higher levels, creating a small empire that was involved in a number of criminal activities but not dominant in any one of them. This allowed him to become quite rich and modestly powerful, and his organization began to rival the Hutts' outfits. He somehow seemed to know the right move in any situation, and was always outthinking his opponents. It was during this time that Car'das also began amassing a huge library of datacards, storing information away like it was free credits. Then, one day, Car'das simply got into his private yacht and disappeared. His health finally started to fail, and the new life he had been given by Yoda evaporated. Car'das travelled to Dagobah to demand that Yoda put everything right. Yoda simply took his blaster and the beckon call from his ship and flung them into the jungle, then berated Car'das for wasting the gift he had been given. He also told Car'das that he couldn't help him any further, since he was busy preparing for the arrival of Luke Skywalker. Car'das couldn't return to his group, so he fled to Exocron, where Yoda had indicated he might receive help from the Aing-Tii monks. His organization continued to thrive for several months, but the lieutenants began to discuss the need for a true leader. Rather than put it to a vote, Talon Karrde - one of Car'das' most trusted students - simply took control of the organization. The other leaders weren't happy, but the new operation flourished for the next twenty years. After the death of Grand Admiral Thrawn, Karrde sent Lando Calrissian and Mara Jade to search for Car'das, a search which took seven years and ended up with Car'das somewhere on the planet Exocron. The lone clue was the beckon call Luke Skywalker had recovered on Dagobah. Later, Lando thought that Car'das held information which could help the New Republic diffuse the Caamas Incident, but Karrde refused to bring Car'das into it. During the Caamas Incident, Karrde finally realized that he had to confront Car'das; if not to confront his own fears, then to recover a copy of the Caamas Document. Car'das played an elaborate ruse on him, first appearing as a withered old man bed-ridden on the planet Exocron. Car'das' fortess was built into the side of a mountain, and Karrde was surprised at the other man's advanced age. However, Car'das had been planning this for some time - ever since he learned of Calrissian and Jade's search. Car'das used Karrde's desire to locate him as a way to draw the crimelord Rei'kas to Exocron and near the Kathol Rift. Car'das and Trey David knew Exocron couldn't stand against Rei'kas's fleet, but they also knew that the Aing-Tii monks wanted to eliminate Rei'kas. By allowing Karrde to get to Exocron, Car'das and David also gave Exocron's location to Rei'kas. However, Rei'kas' fleet was destroyed by the Aing-Tii monks when it tried to attack Exocron. This maneuvering was nearly transparent to Karrde, who realized that Car'das was more than a frail old man. He returned to Exocron and confronted Car'das again, who was no longer an aged man but a healthy man of somewhat advanced age. He also revealed the true size of his fortress, with its immense library of datacards. Within it, Car'das was unable to locate a copy of the Caamas Document. He was, however, able to dig up a wealth of information on Grodin Tierce, Moff Disra, and the conman Flim. Karrde and Shada D'ukal brought this information back to Admiral Pellaeon, after saying their goodbyes to Car'das. Car'das vanished from the galactic scene for a couple of years, before Dean Jinzler revealed that he had received word of Voss Parck's mission to locate the remains of the Outbound Flight Project from Car'das himself. Car'das then made sure Jinzler arrived, going so far as to trail Jinzler and help repair his ship in the Flacharia System. Jinzler told Luke Skywalker that Car'das was only trying to fulfill a promise he'd made years ago. Car'das then accompanied Jinzler aboard the Chaf Envoy when Aristocra Formbi greeted them, although Jinzler couldn't comprehend the discussion between Formbi and Car'das.
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