Captison, Gaeriel
a former Imperial Senator from the planet Bakura, Gaeriel was the daughter of Dol Captison and the niece of Yeorg Captison. Her most striking feature was her eyes: one was grey and the other was green. Gaeriel dedicated her education to politics, and was accepted to the Bakuran Seantorial Academy as a teenager. Her parents were killed in the crossfire of an Imperial engagement with an Alliance team, and she vowed to become an Imperial loyalist. This, coupled with her religious concerns about the nature of the Force, made her the perfect senator on the Imperial world of Bakura. When the Ssi-ruuk invaded her homeworld, Gaeriel finally met several high-ranking members of the Alliance, including Leia Organa and Luke Skywalker, when they answered Bakura's distress call. Luke slowly opened her eyes to the atrocities of the Empire, and thought his actions she discovered that the Force was not inherently evil. It was Luke who helped Eppie Belden overcome her forced catatonia. It was during this time that gaerieal realized that she and Luke shared a common bond, although they remained nothing more than good friends. Following the defeat of the Ssi-ruuk and the surrender of Imperial forces on Bakura, Gaeriel continued to work in politics, and was eventually named Prime Minister. It was during this time that her political ambitions kept her in contact with the former Imperial soldier Pter Thanas. A romantic attachment grew, and they were married 8 years after the Ssi-ruuk invasion. Together, they gave brith to a single dauhgter, Malinza, before Pter succumbed to Knowt's disease. His death followed a failed re-election bid for Gaeriel. When the New Republic asked for Bakuran aid in defending the Corellian System during the Starbuster Plot, Gaeriel was made the plenipotentiary and placed in charge of the Bakuran fleet, commanded by Hortel Ossilege. She was mortally wounded when her spine was crushed in the decisive battle near Centerpoint Station, and the flagship Intruder was rammed by three robot ramships. It was Gaeriel who pushed the detonation button on the Intruder, igniting the ship in the midst of the Saccorian fleet, just as Admiral Ackbar arrived to help.