this Rodian was a member of the Peace Brigade, and was part of the group which infiltrated the Queen of Empire in order to recover the Yuuzhan Vong priestess Elan. He and Darda posed as the contacts Major Showolter was to meet aboard the ship, in the effort to safely transport Elan to the Core. Their leaders had obtained classified information from a spy within the New Republic, which allowed them to gain Showolter's confidence. However, the backstories they were given were flawed, and when Darda claimed to have been working on Gamoor, Showolter saw through their facade. In a firefight, Darda was shot and killed, but Capo managed to escape. He also killed the two agents Showolter was supposed to meet before seriously wounding Showolter himself. Many months later, Capo returned to Ylesia and assumed command of the Peace Brigade's meager navy. He attained the rank of Admiral, although it was more decoration than actually meritted, and was commanded by Thrackan Sal-Solo to bring the fleet up to Yuuzhan Vong standards.