Felyood, Naz
this Corellian pirate was the owner and captain of the freighter Jynni's Virtue. Captain Felyood, as well as his ship and crew, were lost some six months prior to the Battle of Yavin, when they apparently were shot down over the planet Korriban. The ship's logs, despite the fact that they were recovered from a sealed wall inside Dathka Graush's tomb, showed that the pirates had been intercepted by an Imperial patrol and made a hasty jump into hyperspace. The ship's astromech exploded, dumping them into an unknown part of the galaxy. They were set upon by unseen forces that caused extensive damage to the ship, forcing them to land on Korriban. Luckily, they had obtained enough information on the planet during a sabacc match several years earlier, that they were able to land safely. Felyood and his crew learned of Korriban from a hooded crone, and kept the information around in the hopes of finding a long-lost treasure there. Although Felyood's commentary in the ship's logs indicated that he believed he and his crew had been on Korriban a few days, the timestamps on the log entries revealed that many months had passed. No explanation was ever given for the discrepancy. According to vocal logs, Felyood stumbled upon Graush's tomb and tried to take the jewel known as the Heart of Graush. Thus, he was possessed by the spirit of Dathka Graush, and he unwittingly unleashed the Korriban Zombies. When Babbnod Luroon destroyed the Jynni's Virtue, Felyood found himself separated from the Heart of Graush but still possessed by the Sith spirit. He was forced to wander Korriban forever, never dying and always searching for the Heart of Graush.